In love with…kiwi banana chia pudding

Good morning lovebirds,

How many times have I told you about my breakfast addiction? I always try to vary my breakfast as I want to avoid getting sick of eating the same thing all over again. Good news is, there are so many delicious ways to have a nice breakfast. Well, here comes another healthy recipe to start a great day. What do you usually have for breakfast?

Have a fashionable Sunday!


Preparation time: approximately 5 minutes.

Here’s what you’ll need: 

half a kiwi

half a banana

a glass of milk (depending on the size of your jar)

50 ml coconut milk

2 tbsp of chia seeds

tiny bit of cinnamon

also: a jar, a fork, a bowl, a knife


Here’s how you prepare it:

  1. Mash banana in a bowl with your fork.
  2. Peel your kiwi and cut up in little pieces.
  3. Mix with banana and keep mashing.
  4. Add fruit to your jar.
  5. Mix in chia seeds and cinnamon.
  6. Add in coconut milk.
  7. Fill the rest of your jar with milk.
  8. Stir well.
  9. Put on lid and let it rest in the fridge. Preferably over night.
  10. Enjoy a delicious breakfast!

Little advice: To make sure it has the right consistency, it’s best to prepare it in the evening before heading to bed.

Bisou, M


Published by michellejas

I am an Austrian hobby blogger sharing thoughts about things I am in love with, it's as simple as that. :) Bisou, M

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